Fabian Kostadinov

Generative AI-Augmented Program Execution

The use of Generative AI allows a completely new programming paradigm. I call this paradigm Generative AI-Augmented Program Execution (GAPE). In very brief, GAPE is a programming approach that mixes regular software code with output from GenAI models. The idea is best illustrated with an example. Imagine you have a list of animals: [“horse”, “cat”, “whale”, “goldfish”, “bacteria”, “dove”]. You do not have any further information than those animals. Now you are asked to sort this list according to the animal’s expected or average weight in descending order. By applying common sense reasoning a human returns this ordered list: [“whale”, “horse”, “cat”, “dove”, “goldfish”, “bacteria”]. Assume we implement a (e.g. Python) function sort(list_to_sort: List[str], sort_criterion: str) -> List[str] such that the sorting happens entirely automatically behind the scenes by calling a Large Language Model. Input is a List of strings and a sort criterion description as a string parameter. Both are being sent as a prompt to the LLM, which computes the result. The output is again same list, just ordered according to said criterion. Wild, isn’t it? Welcome to Generative-AI Augmented Program Execution!

A simple example: Sorting with GAPE

Let’s have a look at how such a sort function could be implemented.

First, we define a class SortPrompt. As its name indicates it represents a prompt to an LLM. The constructor takes arguments such as a list of items to sort, a sort order (ascending or descending) of type enum, a textual description of which criterion to apply, and it defines the LLM’s system role (“You are an expert in…”). After having created an instance of the class, we can call the to_str() function to obtain a string representation of the prompt. If we wanted to go a little more fancy here we could also have applied an OOD factory pattern.

from typing import List, Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
import textwrap

class SortOrder(Enum):
    ascending = 1
    descending = -1

class SortPrompt:
    system_role: str
    items: List[str]
    order: SortOrder
    criterion: str

    def to_str(self) -> str:
        items = ", ".join(self.items)
        prompt = """
            ### Instructions
            You are {system_role}.
            Your task is to sort below list of items in {order} order according to {criterion}.
            Once you have sorted them, provide a reasoning for the sort order you have selected.
            Return the output as a JSON object in the format:
                "result": ["item 1", "item 2", ..., "item n"],
                "sort_order": "EITHER ascending OR descending",
                "sort_criterion": "the criterion applied to sort",
                "reason": "description why you sorted all items accordigly"
            ### Example
            List of items to sort: ["house", "racing horse", "bicyle", "pizza"]
            Sort order: ascending
            Sort criterion: purchasing price
            Expected output:
                "result": ["pizza", "bicycle", "racing horse", "house"],
                "sort_order": "ascending",
                "sort_criterion": "purchasing price",
                "reason": "A house is more expensive than a racing horse. A racing horse is more expensive than a bicycle. A bicycle is more expensive than a pizza."
            ### Input
            {items}""".format(system_role=self.system_role, order=self.order.name, criterion=self.criterion, items=items)  
        return textwrap.dedent(prompt).strip()

As you can see, the SortPrompt class is a simple container for data required to create the entire prompt. I am using the @dataclass decorator to save myself from creating an __init__() constructor function as well as getters and setters. The to_str() function assembles the entire prompt and returns it, so we can feed it into our sort function later on.

The prompt uses various means to (hopefully) improve the LLM’s response quality.

  1. It defines the expected output of the LLM as a JSON object.
  2. It provides one (or even few-shot) examples.
  3. It asks the LLM to provide a reasoning for its response.

Maybe there are even more tricks we could apply here, but we are right now not interested in prompt design best practices.

Next, we feed our prompt as a string into a simple sort function.

def sort(prompt: str, completion: Callable, print_prompt=False) -> List[str]:
    if print_prompt:
        openai_response = completion(prompt)
        json_str = openai_response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] # type: str
        json_response = json.loads(json_str) # type: dict
        response = json_response["result"] # type: list
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"sort: Error: {e}")

    return response

For simplicity I have designed the sort function to take the prompt as a string input. If a developer does not want to use the suggested SortPrompt class for any reason she is free to write her own prompt entirely from scratch. In this way we are not technically enforcing usage of SortPrompt, it’s just a suggestion. The sort function also takes a Callable as a second function parameter that we call completion. The completion function is of course that function which makes the actual call to the LLM. The return type is a list of strings, i.e. simply the ordered version of the list that we provided as part of the prompt string.

Here’s a simple implementation for the completion function using the OpenAI API:

import openai

# Don't forget to set openai.api_key = "...your key..." before calling:
# openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")

def openai_completion(prompt: str) -> any:
        openai_response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
            model = "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106",
            messages = [
                {"role": "user", "content": prompt},
            temperature = 0.00000001
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"openai_completion: Exception: {e}")
    return openai_response

I’ve set the temperature to a very low value (or possibly 0.0) to make the LLM’s output as deterministic as possible. In my experience though at least OpenAI’s gpt-3.5-turbo is not fully deterministic, even if the temperature is set to 0.0.

Okay, let’s put everything together:

sort_params = SortPrompt(
    system_role = "a helpful assistant",
    items = ["cat", "rat", "mouse", "elephant", "fly", "tiger", "bacteria", "goldfish"],
    order = SortOrder.descending,
    criterion = "their physical weight"

prompt = sort_params.to_str()
sorted_list = sort(prompt, openai_completion, print_prompt=False)

Expected output: ["elephant", "tiger", "cat", "rat", "mouse", "goldfish", "fly", "bacteria"].

A plethora of possibilities

Generative AI-augmented programming offers an almost endless number of such possibilities. Sorting is just one possibility. Let’s look at some examples to illustrate.

List functions

And many more.

Boolean functions

And many more.

General knowledge functions

And many more.

User input callback functions

We could also reverse the entire approach and ask a user for feedback. Imagine that we don’t fully trust the output of an LLM. We want to build in a user check. So, our functions above are enriched with a callback option. For example, once the LLM returned a response the program flow makes a call to a user interface and asks the user to validate the LLM’s response. However, unless the user is expected to sit in front of the computer we could also add a callback function such that the user’s response is captured asynchronously at a later point in time. (I’m sure this can probably be engineered in a better way, but I just wanted to make the point nevertheless.)

GAPE as a paradigm

I would bet that many readers think that the entire approach is both fascinating and also completely weird at the same time. Or simply completely irrelevant. Why on earth should anyone use an LLM for such things given the imprecision, vagueness and straight-out hallucinations that LLMs are plagued with these days? Another objection might be that in many situations there does not even exist a proper concept to rely on in the first place. For example: Is a whale heavier than a horse? Well, that might depend on the type of whale we are referring to! A very small (or very young) whale might possibly be lighter than a big horse. So, sorting a list of animals according to their weight would result in a bunch of nonsense, no?

Both arguments are of course true. And yet, both arguments totally miss the point. Because: We are talking about common sense reasoning here. If we wanted to have mathematical precision we could simply have used traditional programming in the first place! It is exactly because the LLMs are vague, imprecise and so on that they are of interest to us. The novelty is the “productive lack of precision” that is the game changer here. LLMs are as dirty in their knowledge as our own! If I ask a friend whether a whale is heavier than a horse, she might say something along the lines: “Well, generally speaking yes, but you could refer to a really small whale, and then it would not be the case anymore.” And that is exactly the beauty of it! GAPE is not about achieving 100% correctness or accuracy. Instead, it is about coming to the most reasonable conclusion in a given situation. GAP is not programming for correctness and flawless execution logic like traditional programming paradigms. Instead it is more or less mimicking the reasoning that humans are doing: full of imperfection, full of contradictions, but frequently just reasonable.

I hear some readers saying: Oh, I get that, but what the heck should this be useful for?

Well, that is a question I’ll still have to figure out myself. I have some preliminary ideas, but nothing to share here for the moment. For now, just imagine that you are sitting in front of a very weird 15 year old. This youth has an enourmously broad knowledge, but makes many mistakes and sometimes gets even very basic facts about the world completely wrong. The person never gets hungry and thirsty and never needs sleep. How would you make best use of such a person around you? Certainly, you would not expect the person to solve all mysteries of life. Also, you would not expect the person to know anything about a set of documents you have stored on your harddrive to which nobody in the world except yourself have access. Instead, the person would be very useful for offboarding and automating relatively simple workflows that require a common sense world knowledge. You would not have to teach the person that rain falls from the sky (rather than in the reverse direction), the person would tacitly know such stuff. What if you gave that person something more complicated to do, like reading a legal contract of a few dozen pages? Well, surely the person would not get everything right. Understanding contracts is complicated. But then again, it probably would get most simple questions right. And it would never be tired, no matter how many questions you throw at it. If you explained a few extra points (e.g. by extending your prompt) to the person then the person might even learn enough about how to interpret a contract that from that point onwards the responses would improve.

Compare that to what you have toda: Another person (i.e. your computer) who always gets everything 100% right - but only in an extremely narrowly defined area, and only under ideal circumstances. If you forget to tell a single bit of information it just stares at you with a blank expression.

Generative AI-augmented program execution is about combining both types of expertise in an intelligent manner: the precision and flawlessness of formal logic and programming, but also its narrowness and limitedness. And the imprecision and opaqueness of Generative AI / LLMs, but also their breadth of knowledge and capabilities.

And that allows a breathtaking new way of how to create applications of a kind we have never seen before.

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