06 Oct 2018
Now that we can do searching on indexed part-of-speech tags what’s still missing is a way to introduce an order of search terms. Remember: All POS tags in our query are simply ORed together. So, how an we achieve this?
01 Oct 2018
In my previous post I promised I’d describe how to perform searches on indexed part-of-speech data with Lucene 7 and OpenNLP. Let’s have a look. (Thanks to Koji on this one!)
08 Sep 2018
I’ve carried the idea to use OpenNLP to do part-of-speech tagging and index the POS tags with Lucene around with me for quite some time. Turns out Lucene 7 comes shipped with support for OpenNLP. Of course I had to try it out.
05 Feb 2017
There is a natural similarity between a rhizome’s relation and how modern transistors work. As it turns out, we could actually build a rhizome (with limitations) using transistors. Have a look at the following example.
29 Nov 2016
Being a software engineer is not an excuse to complain about your data science colleagues. You don’t have to become an expert in machine-learning or statistical analysis, but it’s actually a lot of fun to dive a little deeper into some of these topics and learn more about, let’s say, categorisation algorithms. And it even looks sexy in your CV.