02 Sep 2015
As I was not able to find any tutorials on the web on how to use Temis Luxid 7.0.1 Webstudio, I simply decided to write my own. Luxid Webstudio is a tool that is intended for different use cases. One thing it does very well is to assist a taxonomy expert to build a new taxonomy or enrich an existing one with new terms. Furthermore, once a taxonomy is created it can be “plugged in” to the STF skill cartridge, which then is able to extract all the taxonomy terms from documents. By exporting this customized skill cartridge from Webstudio, you can simply deploy it to a dedicated annotation server running in your production environment. Some of Webstudio’s functionality overlaps with the Eclipse-RCP based Luxid 7.0.1 Annotation Workbench, however Webstudio is simply more comfortable to use. Only in some cases it is necessary to switch to Annotation Workbench because it exposes even more functionality to the user than Webstudio does.
18 Aug 2015
In my last post on the implementation of rhizomes I still suggested using hash maps to store pairings, that is relations. It was just recently that I recognized that there is of course an even simpler and more concise way of storing relations: as a single, long bit string, where a bit is set to 1 if a relation is established.
31 May 2015
I wanted to know a little more on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in R. For this purpose, I first created my own artificial dataset. I wanted to reuse the same dataset later on for performing also cluster analysis, so I put a little bit of thought in how to create it.
05 Feb 2015
During the last few months, I had several job interviews with different prospective employers. A few weeks ago a working colleague pointed me to four questions that I could ask my prospective employer that would tell me a lot about the working culture I’d join. As my experience with asking these questions was very positive, I thought I publish them here in my blog. To the best of my knowledge, the original (German) version comes from a guy called Lars Vollmer. What follows is nothing but a translation from German to English.
04 Feb 2015
Recently, I created a simple database management system including user rights management relying on GitHub, Jekyll, Prose, Heroku and a few other open source products. The basic idea is to store all data inside a _data
directory in a GitHub repository. A user can access this data through a website (Prose) and manipulate it through a HTML form (JSONForm), but she needs to be authorized to do so (Jekyll-Auth). The solution also offers a simple, yet functional search functionality. Here is a list of products I relied upon: