25 Nov 2014
When working with time series data, one often needs to calculate sums of consecutive numbers for a predetermined time frame. Imagine for example calculating a moving average with a fixed size. Let’s look at a very simply time series.
20 Nov 2014
Yesterday, my first article was accepted for publication on SeekingAlpha.com, which - I must admit - made me quite proud. Not only that, but the article even received an Editor’s Pick, which means that the editor(s) specially liked it. The article is about Enova International Inc. which just spun off from its parent Cash America Internatioal Inc., and which I consider to be a great buy opportunity right now.
13 Nov 2014
These are (hopefully) complete installation instructions for Jekyll-Auth. To understand how Jekyll-Auth works, you need a conceptual understanding on how Rack-Jekyll and Rack work. The next figure shows the conceptual workflow of Jekyll-Auth in combination with a repository on GitHub.com. This is how Jekyll-Auth works.
10 Nov 2014
Here are two great introductory videos on error correction models.
04 Nov 2014
Cointegration is an important concept when dealing with time series data. Here’s the corresponding definition on Wikipedia:
Cointegration is a statistical property of time series variables. Two or more time series are cointegrated if they share a common stochastic drift.